Ryan Alford
Founder & CEO
Ryan studied Computer Engineering at Penn State University, and has extensive experience designing circuit boards and firmware. During his time in the private sector, he led teams of hardware and software engineers to bring three fully functional Intel and AMD motherboards to the embedded market.
Seeing numerous companies struggle to create effective IoT solutions for their industries, he launched EDG to create a simplified approach to remote data monitoring. EDG's platform allows industries to monitor distributed sensors from around the globe, and make data-driven predictions, saving companies time and money.
Michael is an entrepreneur who studied Electrical Engineering and received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, in 1988. He helped on sub-orbital rocket projects with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. His teamwork on firmware and software with Maxtor Corporation has been used on millions of hard drives, helping the computer and internet industry to grow. After starting a small consulting firm, he continued consulting on firmware projects for companies in the hard drive industry during the 1990s.
Michael also has been the CEO of a small sales and marketing firm. He enjoys creating value for customers, helping the economy to grow and prosper. Michael has worked with many diverse teams throughout his career to create interconnected products that make our lives easier and better.
As the Chief Technology Officer for Engineering Design Group, Michael's overriding goal is to help you accomplish your goals in a simpler, better way.
Charles Nye
Science Advisor
Charles Nye is a Research Scientist at University of Wyoming’s Center for Economic Geology Research, with over 10 years of university research experience including service as task leader on six Federal Department of Energy awards and PI and University leader on two State of Wyoming awards. Nye has experience in geochemistry, environmental monitoring, reporting, award management, and solving challenges at the energy-water nexus. In CEGR's CarbonSAFE Phase III program near Gillette, Wyoming, Nye leads Task 4: Baseline Data Collection and Surface Monitoring. CarbonSAFE Task 4 uses EDG technology in outdoor monitoring instruments which will assist future MRV and MVA work. These baselines will be key to proving successful containment if this CCS site advances to full commercial operation.
Peter Renzi
Energy Advisor
My degree is in Chemical Engineering from Bucknell University. As an undergraduate I was taught engineering through the application of computer techniques to solve engineering problems that led me to an understanding of solutions including simulations, CAD, and advanced process control. After successful real world experiences at Honeywell Process Control and Intel Corporation it was time to develop a new appreciation for Chemical Engineering so I studied Environmental Engineering at the Graduate Level at Columbia University. It was there that I made strides in understanding today’s need for processes that not only provided solutions for new forms of energy including renewables, new sustainable materials, and environmentally responsible chemical processes but also an appreciation of how these developments directly impacted the environment. Specifically microprocessor based monitoring and control applications came to the forefront as in fit nicely with my previous background. Starting a consulting company in the Energy Field allowed me to advance my experiences with an understanding of how to develop new forms of environmentally and responsibly sourced materials and new sustainable energy sources . For me it has led me to the decision that chemical processes and new forms of energy must be developed to “save the planet”.